Map of CRA Area
Edgewater's Community Redevelopment Area is 400 acres consisting of 509 parcels which is 2.8% of the total City’s 14,411 acres.
Generally contained within the boundaries created by the Edgewater city limits on the north; Florida East Coast Railway on the west; Falcon Avenue on the south and Riverside Drive along Park Avenue on the east.
The majority of the boundary is within a couple of parcels east and west of Ridgewood Avenue (US 1). Click Here to view the Map
Redevelopment Vision:
• Attractive Downtown with a mixed mixed-use street” appeal along Park Avenue
• George R. Kennedy Memorial Park as a focal point for the Downtown
• Safe, viable and sustainable commercial corridors along US-1 and Park Ave.
• Affordable and attractive neighborhoods
• Safe transportation network, pedestrian connections and public space/recreation facilities
• Environmentally sound storm water infrastructure