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This information is readily available on the Zoning and Future Land Use Map.
1. Volusia County Letter of Compliance; and 2. Army Corps of Engineers Permit or Letter of Exemption; and 3. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Permit or Self-Certification Exemption (single-family docks); or 4. St Johns River Water Management District (commercial and large development {neighborhoods})
1. Repair or replacement of existing dock -must be in exact same location and have the exact same square-footage. 2. Cumulative square footage of the dock or pier and all associated structures located over wetlands and other surface waters does not exceed: a. 1,000 square-feet -Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW): Kennedy ParkNorth. b. 500 square-feet -Kennedy Park -South 3. If applicant is unsure if a DEP Permit is required a Requestfor Verification of Exemption can be submitted to DEP.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection: Army Corps of Engineers: St Johns River Water Management District: Volusia County:
Ryan Solstice- Ext. 1501 Development Services Director
Planning & Zoning 386-424-2400 option 2, then 4, then 2
Tammy Watkins ext. 1502 Planning Technician
Dilena Talley ext. 1503 Junior Planner
Building & Permitting 386-424-2400 option 2, then 4, then 3 Inspection Hotline- 386-427-3279- option 2
Shaun Milligan Chief Building Official ext. 1511
Beau Griffin Building Inspector
Brandon Cammack Building Inspector
Laura Guetter ext. 1522 Permit Technician
Lynne Buckingham ext. 1513 Permit Technician
Katie Williams ext. 1514 Permit Technician
Kelly Woodworth ext. 1515 Permit Technician
104 North Riverside Drive Edgewater, FL 32132 Fax 386-424-2423
Hours of Operation Monday- Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM