Tropical Storm Elsa Information
With the possibility that weather related to Tropical Storm Elsa could impact our community, the City has stocked three locations throughout the City with sand piles.
These piles are located at:
* Fire Station 57-2628 Hibiscus Drive
* Mango Tree Lake-901 Mango Tree Drive
*Airpark staging area-1898 Airpark Road
These locations, available 24 hours a day, have sand piles staged for residents to access. Residents should bring their own shovels and bags. Bags may also be purchased at local home supply centers or double bagged, heavy duty garbage bags may be used.
Residents are encouraged not to generate any additional unnecessary debris. Experiences with prior storms have shown that limbs are more sustainable intact on the trees versus as loose debris on the street. Loose vegetative debris must not be placed in drainage swales or canals as this can disrupt flow before, during and after the storm.
Representatives from all City departments are in regular contact regarding the potential impact that Tropical Storm Elsa could have on our community. Stormwater and street infrastructure are being assessed to ensure all are functioning as designed.