Stormwater Division Maintenance Activities

City Crew Tamarind 09.25.2024


Planned activities for the week of September 30, 2024

Stormwater crews will be working at the following locations:

  • Mowing the Woodland-Yule canal at 31st Street, headed north
  • Finishing up mowing the Unity-Vista canal from 22nd to 27th
  • Mowing the Orange-Pine canal, starting at 12th Street headed south (probably on Wednesday)
  • Cleaning the Fern-Guava canal from 22nd to 26th
  • Repairing the Fern-Guava canal at 27th Street
  • Opening pipe ends and swales on Silver Palm Drive south of 26th Street
  • The vac truck will be running on Friday



List of activities for September 26, 2024:

  • Mowing Unity-Vista canal (north end of the Woodland Yule canal) at 23rd Sreet and working its way south
  • City crews are opening pipe ends on Silver Palm Drive
  • Farmton/Miami Corp (company planning the development west of I-95) has two crews cleaning pipe ends on Unity Drive and Vista Palm Drive. They are almost done with Unity Drive from 35th to 22nd and will start on Vista Palm Drive at 35th Street this morning
  • DR Horton (using Atlantic Pipe Services) ran their vac truck through all of the driveway pipes on Yule Tree Drive, from 35th to 34th, yesterday
  • City crews are running their storm routes to check pipe ends, canals, and inlets to make sure everything is open and flowing
  • We will be restocking the sand piles at Mango and Hibiscus today
  • Hibiscus/26th sand pile will be staffed 8:30 am to 3:30 pm (weather permitting)
  • Mango Tree sand pile will be staffed 8:30 am to 6:00 pm (weather permitting)



List of activities for September 25, 2024:

  • Mowing the Woodland-Yule canal.  Currently around 32rd Street, headed north
  • Mowing Umbrella-Travelers canal is complete
  • Umbrella-Travelers machine is starting on the Unity-Vista canal (north end of the Woodland Yule canal) at 22nd Street and working its way south
  • City crews are opening pipe ends on Silver Palm Drive and Tamarind Drive
  • Farmton (company planning the development west of I-95) is sending two crews to clean pipe ends, we will have them starting on Unity and Vista at 35th and working their way north
  • BriarTeam (building Parks of Edgewater off Volco Road) will be running a vac truck on Umbrella cleaning culverts, starting at 36th and working their way north
  • We will be restocking the sand piles at Mango and Hibiscus today
  • Mango and Hibiscus sand piles will have staff working them until 3:30 pm and then Mango will have someone until 6 pm.
APS DR Horton Woodland Yule start 35th 09.25.2024

Atlantic Pipe Services-DR Horton - Woodland Yule start 35th 09.25.2024

FlowLine Pipes Briar Team Umbrella Victory Willow start 36th 09.25.2024

Flowline Pipes Briar Team - Umbrella Victory Willow start 36th 09.25.2024

Farmton Miami Unity 09.25.2024

Farmton/Miami Team - Unity Tree Drive 09.25.2024