Chlorine Free Burn-Water Pipe Maintenance

What: The City of Edgewater uses chloramines to disinfect the drinking water. To maintain the pipes that deliver your water, conventional free chlorine disinfection will replace chloramines for approximately 3 weeks.
When: October 11, 2022 through approximately November 1, 2022.
Who: The City of Edgewater’s water customers along with Volusia County’s Southeast Utility customers.
Water Quality: The water will continue to meet Federal and State standards for safe drinking water, though you may notice a slightly different taste or odor. If you are especially sensitive to the taste or smell of chlorine, keep an open container of drinking water in your refrigerator for a few hours to allow the chlorine to dissipate.
Dialysis Patients: Users of kidney dialysis machines should not be impacted but should contact their dialysis care provider for more information about water testing and precautions regarding chlorine removal.
Aquarium Owners: Those with questions regarding their aquariums should contact their local pet suppliers. The temporary change to free chlorine should not affect those with live fish if a system is already in place to remove chloramines.
For More Information Call the City of Edgewater's Alan R. Thomas Drinking Water Plant at 386.424.2400 Ext. 4030