Narcotics Complaints

Drug Related Activity
Drugs and Narcotic Activity are one of the primary crimes affecting communities today. Other crimes are spawned off the use and abuse of drugs, as well as untimely deaths of young and old alike. The Edgewater Police Department is a participant in the Volusia County Eastside Narcotics Task Force (EVNTF). Undercover members of the task force investigate tips, locate and track drug activity and known drug offenders and take steps to reduce the drug activity within our community. The task force works hand in hand with other Volusia County agencies to assist in the war against drug use. To report drug related activity submit an anonymous tip to:
Citizens can assist law enforcement in locating and enforcing such drug abuse. By providing information such as vehicle descriptions, license tags, descriptions/names of suspects and locations of possible narcotic activities, Edgewater Police Department can do their part in removing these elements from our community.
Any information known can be provided by completing the report a concern to the police or by contacting our dispatch center at (386) 424-2000 (Citizens may choose to remain anonymous).