RFP 17-HR-014 - Insurance Agent-Broker Services for Group Health and Other Employee Benefits

Bid/RFP Status: 
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Tuesday, August 29, 2017 - 3:00pm
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 
RFP 17-HR-014
Back to Bids/RFPs

The City of Edgewater seeks to establish a contract for a qualified firm to provide Agent of Record for Employee Benefit Broker Services.  The firm awarded the contract shall be paid on a flat fee basis and be responsible for providing Employee Benefit Broker Services for employee benefits including but not limited to:  medical, dental, long term disability, life insurance and any other benefits. The City of Edgewater currently does not have an active contract with any firm for brokerage services.

Proposals received from firms that have a contractual relationship with group insurance carriers that would preclude the firm from being unbiased in the services provided to the City of Edgewater will not be considered for evaluation and shall be deemed non-responsive.  The awarded firm shall not receive any fees, commissions or other benefits from the insurance carrier/firms that may propose on any of the City’s RFPs or from an awarded carrier, unless disclosed in advance in the proposal submittal.

The Agent of Record for Employee Benefit Broker Services will be expected to assess cost effectiveness of such programs, offer alternatives for evaluation, and recommend changes that are in the best interest of the City of Edgewater.  Employee benefit programs include Health, Dental, Long Term Disability, Life, and Voluntary Benefit Services.  The Agent of Record is expected to advise the City on multiple funding arrangements including, but not limited to, fully insured, minimum premium, and self-insured programs.  The Agent of Record for Employee Benefit Broker Services will advise on current trends, market changes, and innovative programs that may be of interest to, and benefit, the City of Edgewater employee benefit programs.