Quotes, Bidding Information and Surplus Property
Quoting and Bidding Information
The City of Edgewater, Florida does not maintain a prospective vendor’s list, classified by commodities for the purpose of inviting sealed bids and quotation. The City does however actively solicit quotes for goods and services (up to $50,000) via various methods.
The City of Edgewater has transitioned from a paper-based Competitive Solicitation (Invitation to Bid - ITB, Request for Proposals - RFP, and Request for Qualifications – RFQ) process to an electronic bidding and vendor registration system called OpenGov.
There is no charge to vendors for use of this service. You will be able to view and submit your bid/proposal responses electronically through the City's E-Procurement portal. Paper proposals will not be accepted for solicitations issued/advertised.
The City’s E-Procurement Portal will guide vendors through the process of responding electronically to RFPs, bids, etc. to ensure your bids have been accurately completed and allow prospective bidders to:
- Register to receive notifications of future opportunities by signing up for our new e-Procurement Portal and selecting Subscribe to create an account
- Monitor updates to existing opportunities by finding the opportunity and clicking the Follow button. This will allow all interested bidders to receive amendments and addenda automatically.
- Submit questions and receive answers regarding open bid opportunities.
- This will ultimately, be your one location for all bid opportunities issued by the City of Edgewater.
To view Competitive Solicitations from the City of Edgewater, please visit OpenGov - City of Edgewater
To register as a vendor for notification of solicitation or to submit a bid/proposal, click here: https://procurement.opengov.com/signup
For more information please refer to the OpenGov Vendor Guides
Click here to visit the legacy DemandStar platform.
Past solicitations can be found here.
Surplus Property
The City of Edgewater utilizes George Gideon Auctioneers, Inc. and JJ Kane Auctions to hold its surplus property auctions. Please visit the auctioneer websites for current offerings.
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