
Where can I find out more about the City of Edgewater's Stormwater Utility?

To address your specific concerns, or for more information, please contact the City of Edgewater Public Works Department at (386) 424-2400 ext 4007.

Why do we need to manage stormwater?

The reason is two-fold. The first is that the City of Edgewater made a commitment to improve the quality of stormwater discharging into waterways. Stormwater is responsible for about 90% of the heavy metals, sediments, and pollution of the waterways.

The second is that the State of Florida enacted laws regulating stormwater which are reflected in municipal comprehensive plans. These laws include requirements for improving the quality of discharges into waterways.

What is a Stormwater Utility?

A Stormwater Utility is a form of stormwater management. A Stormwater Utility relies on user fees with costs allocated to developed properties according to their contribution of runoff into the stormwater system. The Utility maintains and improves the stormwater conveyance/treatment system.

What is Stormwater?

"Stormwater" usually refers to stormwater runoff, which is the flow of rainwater from impervious surfaces such as streets, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, roofs, etc.

Stormwater FAQs