How do I know if I have a violation on my property?

Code Enforcement has many methods of initiating contact. The most common tool is a Courtesy Notice or Notice of Violation. This is a hard copy paper that has generic, common violations listed and suggestions on how to resolve the complaint. The individual inspector may add more detailed descriptions of the violation or describe other violations not listed on the form. Inspectors try to make contact with the resident by knocking on the door, ringing the doorbell or by telephone. If there is no answer at the door, a notice or a door hanger may be left at the front door.

A door hanger is another notification tool. This door hanger is used when an investigation is required, and the violation or problem may not be clearly visible to the inspector. The inspector describes the possible problem on the door hanger. Additionally, the inspector’s name and telephone number is listed with a request that you call. Because the violation is not clearly visible and a complaint has been filed, the inspector needs some method of letting the resident know that a possible violation may be on the property. Many times, just talking with the resident will resolve the complaint.

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