In 1965

In 1965 a new Class A Pumper was purchased for the department. Once the new apparatus was placed into service, the old Seagrave was retired from service. By the late ‘60s, the department again started to experience growing pains and plans were formulated for a new firehouse. Property was purchased further south - closer to the center of the shifting population. Ground was broken in 1972 and many hours by the volunteers were dedicated to the design and construction of the new larger firehouse. The volunteer firemen and their families again constructed the firehouse. The department moved to the new location in 1973. The apparatus bay of the old fire station became a storage facility for two years until the city remodeled it into a police station, which moved the police department out of City Hall. The old meeting room was turned over to the newly formed Edgewater Volunteer Emergency Rescue (EVER) department, which formed in 1975. EVER remained in the old firehouse until 1981 when the Edgewater Rotary built a new building next to the new firehouse. Then the police department used the old firehouse as their sole facility until the late ‘80s.
