Road Closure-16th Street between High Street and Dayton Street-August 24th through September 18th

16th Street Closing for Lift Station

A small portion of 16th Street east of the railroad tracks will be closed during construction at the City’s lift station located near the intersection of 16th Street and High Street. The City’s contractor will have detour signs in place as of 7:30am Monday morning August 24th for a road closure of 16th Street between High Street and Dayton Street, thru traffic will be diverted to Eaton Road (refer to map). All driveways will remain accessible, and the City’s contractor will be distributing flyers to local area residents informing of the work. The closure will be in place until construction is complete, which is expected to be by or before Friday, September 18th. 

Click the link for the City interactive map of road closure.