Reclaim Water Hook Up Process
Florida faces many water supply challenges. While there is no magic bullet to solving those challenges, the foundation of a sustainable water supply must be conservation, with a diversified selection of alternative sources to help stretch traditional freshwater supplies. One example is maximizing the use of reclaimed water. Florida is leading the nation in the use of reclaimed water. Reclaimed water can be safely used for a wide variety of purposes including landscape irrigation.
The City of Edgewater began the installation and implementation of the Reclaimed Water System in 1994. The reclaimed storage capacity consists of two 2.25 million gallon reclaimed water holding tanks and a pump station that can pump up to one million gallons per day of surface water from an adjacent borrow pit. Last year's (2019) average daily usage was 1.041 million gallons with a peak usage of 1.4 million gallons per day. There are a little over 3,100 customers on the system which equates to about 10,000 gallons per month for each customers.
The cost for connecting to the City's reclaimed water system is $600. Residents may pay the entire amount up front or use the option of a 10 month interest free payment program with a deposit of $200 and $40 per month for 10 months. The monthly fee for reclaimed water usage is $9.50.
For more information about how to connect to the reclaimed water system, you can call 386-424-2400 x4000 or click here to email Customer Service.
Click here for the reclaim water fillable application/agreement form.
Click here for more reclaimed water information from the St. Johns River Water Management District.