Groundbreaking Ceremony SUN Trail - 300 Dale Street

Wednesday, June 14, 2017 - 9:00am

SUN Trail Groundbreaking Invitation

Groundbreaking Ceremony for the City of Edgewater’s  St. John’s River Sea Loop from Dale Street to 10th Street Project, FM#439863-1-54-01, the first SUN Trail project to break ground in Florida.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

9:00 AM

300 Dale Street, Edgewater, FL 32132

One or more members of City Council or other advisory boards may be present.


From US1 (Ridgewood Avenue) turn west onto Park Avenue, travel west about 1 mile and turn right (north) onto Dale Street. 

From I-95, take the SR 442 (Indian River Blvd.) exit in Edgewater, travel east about 1 mile to Old Mission Road (traffic signal), turn left (north) onto Old Mission Road, travel north 1.8 miles to W. Park Avenue, turn right onto W. Park Avenue, travel 1.23 miles and turn left onto Dale Street.


East Coast Regional Rail Trail – Trail Head located in Rotary Park is on the south side of Park Avenue just east of Dale Street.  You can park in Rotary Park and walk over to the SUN Trail location.